Watching Melanin Fall…

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Published on: January 19, 2020

To the extent this is credible – Oh, how the American black mind calcifies!

Blacks are pessimistic about, and choose to consider racist, an elected official who’s presided over:

Interestingly, Trump’s thinking and behavior toward blacks is virtually unchanged from what it had been before he sought the presidency, which represents a time when he was acknowledged for a “lifetime of service to African Americans” by one Jesse Louis Jackson. In an existence more public than most, Trump endured failed companies, failed marriages, ridicule, bankruptcies, and was called many things; however, ‘racist’ was not among them.

(I’m aware of the federal housing discrimination lawsuit; no one has shown that he did anything more than seek not to lease apartments to those he believed were unlikely to pay rent…and he wrote in one of his books,  “What we didn’t do was rent to welfare cases, white or black”.

I’m also aware of Trump’s stance regarding the Central Park Five…and I don’t care. Trump didn’t produce the case against them; NYPD and the District Attorney’s office did. Nor has anyone shown he might have acted differently had the perceived perpetrators not been black. Trump has mad love for NYC for many reasons, including business, and that crime was an assault on ‘his’ city.)

Donald John Trump is an out-sized personality who has supported blacks for decades, and that behavior continued after his unexpected ascent to the presidency. Trump hasn’t changed; however black perception of Trump has, and that change is more likely to condemn blacks than condemn the president, in the eyes of the nation and her electorate.

Begin with the poll finding blacks the most racist U.S. demographic, even in the minds of blacks.

Then consider public positions that blacks take which at least appear unreasonable:

Such hypocritical and nonsensical rhetoric damage black credibility. Couple that with disproportionately high illegitimacy, abortion, criminality, and STD infection rates, and it becomes reasonable to wonder about the current humanity of a people who just 6 decades ago led the nation on a moral crusade against inhumanity.

Blacks, as a group, are marginalizing themselves, with an especially virulent strain of  TDS that renders those affected all but incapable of rational thought or conversation where the president is concerned, that renders them deaf to anyone who’s not a progressive member of the Democrat Party, or a progressive agent of the mainstream (or left-wing) media. Other whites who attempt to engage them are labeled racists exercising white privilege; blacks who deign to approach are labeled “coons” or other pejorative terms.

This would not be a testimony against blacks were they not faring measurably better under Trump than than they fared under his predecessor. Blacks show less regard for a white president who serves them well, than for a black one who made them at best a third priority, behind homosexuals and illegal immigrants. And the country saw and took note of the obvious racism and lack of logic.

Consequently whites, Latinos, and Asians are becoming less likely to engage with blacks on issues that impact the country at large…because blacks reduce the areas  of objective American commonality between themselves and other citizens. Even Jews, longtime allies with blacks on political and social issues, are re-evaluating their relationships with blacks, in the wake of rising – and violent – anti-Semitism from members of the black community.

Meaning blacks, through every fault of their own, will see their part in the national conversation decrease. While there remains a call for national unity, many blacks opt to be the ice block in the Great American Melting Pot – critical of the good economy, critical of not being at war, critical of the military, (hypo-) critical toward God, critical of anyone or anything that runs counter to what they espouse.

And what far too many blacks accept, without claiming to so do, represents a cultural posture that cannot help them…or anyone else:

Many born-in-America blacks have chosen a backward-looking mindset that prevents fully benefiting from what their country offers; instead of opening their hands to America’s current and future opportunities, they would rather shake a clenched fist at America’s past,  detaching themselves from Americanism and making themselves adversaries – if not enemies – of the state. That is a ruinous prescription for every black person inclined to get it filled. and that is what currently destroys black influence – political, social, and cultural – in America.

Fortunately, a small but increasing number of blacks want a new drug.

The temptation, fed by the media, is to see black support for Trump as an embrace of the president himself. It is likely not that; it stems from a realization that the political path for blacks need not be charted by those who are false friends to them, and who hate the country itself.

The number of blacks who will side with America will not eclipse the number whom Malcolm Little described as “political chumps and traitors to their race” anytime soon. But it would be un-American (and ungodly) not to hope, fervently, that it one day will. Just as abolitionists held out hope for decades that enough would agree with them so chattel slavery would end. Just as many hoped, for nearly a century following Reconstruction, for  laws encoding segregation into American society to fall. In both those cases, holding out hope was warranted though, at the time, it may have seemed pointless.

My thought is that hope will prove warranted in this instance as well, that the majority of blacks will embrace the political and ideological postures that underpin American confidence and success, and I believe they will. However, until that change occurs, America will continue to witness a decline in the fortunes of her black population; a decline which the nation will find painful to observe, but one that it cannot stop…because it’s a Black thing.

Need to Drain the “Christian” Swamp. Election Time’s as Good As Any

Categories: ... 'bout Politics
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Published on: October 22, 2016

It is possible that the “No Christian should vote” movement, regarding either major party candidate in 2016 is primarily a social media phenomenon However, I have reviewed enough articles and had enough personal conversations to doubt that.

It is almost certain that anyone with even a remote church affiliation has heard the “ain’t neither of ’em godly” refrain, or the “I was supporting Cruz, but now that y’all rejected him…” mantra, or the “We don’t need to worry; God is in control” chant to justify not voting for either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump next month.

Frankly, this is silly and one has to wonder, since very few who so speak are likely to do anything, between now and Thanksgiving, that is more significant about improving the state of the nation than step into a voting booth: what are these “faithful” folks thinking? While they may believe they are preparing the nation for a Holy Ghost “told you so”, after November 8th, they look more like the “sorry” kid no one picked for the sandlot game, who now wants to take his ball and bat and go home.

In other words, it seems like a power play…waged by those who in fact have no power. It is time for Christians to face facts.

The church in America is impotent in the nation’s public square, has been for more than a half century, supplanted by those who believe God should be absent from public policy discourse, those seeking “acceptable” homosexuality and other perversions, those who believe American compassion requires the surrender of American sovereignty, and those who desire unfettered slaughter of the nation’s next generation when they are most vulnerable. The American church is a marginal actor in American public life.

That the church should find itself so marginalized is odd for a few reasons, including:

    • Pilgrims settled on the continent for the free practice of Christianity and, without it, the people lacked sufficient moral resolve even to form a nation,
    • The teachings of Christianity form the underpinnings of America’s Constitution and legal system, and
    • Those who claim Christianity outnumber America’s atheists, homosexual apologists, compassionate globalists, and abortionists.

Despite this, instead of reasserting the Christian perspective and leading the national narratives, the church stands on the national sidelines, wringing its hands over policies it will not uniformly nor effectively oppose, and railing against electoral choices that it doesn’t support, while rallying to no viable alternatives. So, America’s Christian church, instead of casting doctrine to all from the national stage, lobs rotten tomatoes from the nation’s peanut gallery at policies that offend its sensitivities and its God; the church has ceded its power to change anything, with little sign that it seeks to reclaim its leadership mantle.

If the church will not vote, and it is apparent that it lacks the temerity to take up arms, as it once did against an English king, as it did against slavery, as it did against segregation (though those weapons were not carnal), then what good is it? It is become the salt that has lost its savor, lacking the courage or power to protect the unborn from wanton slaughter, or its own ability to worship as it sees fit. Yet American Christians are unwilling to stand united against Hillary Clinton?

Despite her disdain for Catholics:

Despite her disregard for Christian beliefs regarding abortion:

Despite her desire to subjugate Christian doctrine and elevate the homosexual agenda:

There is simply no courage, and therefore no spiritual power, in the American Christian church at large.

Had the 18th century church been dominated by the toothless, yapping chihuahua spirit of the modern American church, then the national anthem might yet be, ‘God Save the Queen’. Had the 19th century church been the same hand-wringing chatterboxes we see today, then chattel slavery would have ended via some man’s reversible whim, rather than by the cleansing and compelling dictate of shed blood. Had the 20th century church not overcome the double-minded among its ranks, then ‘separate but equal’ would still prevail in the land as a legal construct; however, church weakness, during that same century, resulted in the dismissal of God from the nation’s schools, and in the American womb being the place in which the overwhelming majority of the nation’s homicides occur. Yet, from that time to this, Christians in America yet claim access, both to God’s power and to His favor. However, such a claim by today’s church lacks the credibility to which the church of earlier times might be given.

For the church would NEVER sacrifice the American nation on an altar of ineffectual dictates and sanctimony, any more than it would withhold the gospel from a whoremonger or a corrupt financier. Yet this modern collection of the “faithful”, that claims relationship with God and His Christ in THIS country, often makes water seem like strong drink.

If the church today does not comprehend why the American nation, as described by its 240-year-old founding document, should be maintained, at virtually all cost, then it doesn’t…

If it cannot understand that Clinton should not, by any means, occupy the nation’s highest elected office, then it can’t…

But if it is now so lost in its understanding, to go along with its inability to shape the national conversation – when it was that very conversation regarding Christ which led to the nation’s founding – it has lost touch with the importance of this nation in the world and of the deep ties between America and the Christian God. Its members should renounce their U.S. citizenship and remove the ‘reserved’ sign from their seats in the pews: it is a waste that they should have either.

Fortunately, there is always room at the Cross, for new member of the faithful – those bolder in their Christianity, as well as in their Americanism.

Before an “Intervention” is Needed, We Should Act

Before harming oneself, mental instability or hopelessness compromises a person’s judgment. Before a person so compromised seeks to harm someone else, he links that someone else, rightly or wrongly, with the fact, or reason, that his mind or hope is gone. Such a person is “off”, both in his outlook and demeanor…and ripe for an “intervention”.

Black Americans increasingly have the outlook and demeanor of someone who is “off” (note the person seated second from the right):


The black female pictured is part of the “Black Brunch Civil Rights movement”, which confronts white restaurant patrons over the issue of police brutality, chanting and disrupting the patrons’ dining experience. Organizers claim inspiration from the lunch counter sit-ins of the 1950’s and 1960’s:


However, the pictures show differences between the movement of today and the one a half century ago, which include:

• The 1963 protesters confronted people who infringed their liberty; The 2015 protesters infringe the liberty of people they confront,
• The 1963 protesters knew someone would harm them; the 2015 protesters have no such concerns, and
• The 2015 protesters exclude whites from their ranks; as for the 1963 protesters…look at the picture.

Both protester groups acted on behalf of all blacks, going on the offensive against overwhelming odds. The 1963 protesters confronted unjust people, with a noble grace that attracted others to their cause; the 2015 protesters confront only white people, with an abrasive disrespect that calls their cause into question. While the 1963 lunch counter sit-in made blacks look principled, the 2015 “Black Brunch” makes blacks look mentally unstable, like someone staring blankly at strangers in a restaurant.

Adding to the mentally unstable look is the questionable premise of the “Black Brunch”, “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot”, and the “I Can’t Breathe” protests, across the U.S. and elsewhere: increasing U.S. police brutality.

The U.S. Attorney General says there is inadequate facts to show an increase in police use of force. Indeed, the federal government:

    • In 2011, reported 62.9 million police contacts with the public. Of the 26.4 million traffic stops included among those contacts, 1.5% involved threat or use of force,
    • In 2008, reported that about 1.4% of the 40 million police contacts with the public involved threat or use of force,
    • In 2005, reported that less than 1.6% of the 43.5 million police contacts with the public involved threat or use of force,
    • In 2002, reported that about 1.5% of the 45.3 million police contacts with the public involved threat or use of force, and
    • In 1999, reported that 1% of the 43.8 million police contacts with the public involved threat or use of force.

Interestingly, one group claimed 313 extrajudicial killings of blacks in 2012, or “one black every 28 hours”, by the police…and by security guards…and by vigilantes…and by whomever else came to mind. They later acknowledged 136 unarmed blacks killed that year, a number in line with the government’s reported average of 133 blacks killed annually by police between 2003 and 2009.

So, police use of force is neither rising nor statistically problematic; anecdotes, not data, drive the narrative of (white) cops hunting black people.

Nevertheless, disruptive protests occurred in Ferguson, Missouri, Boston, Oakland, Durham, San Francisco, New York, and elsewhere, all under the hashtag of: “#BlackLivesMatter”.

People who found movements on false assertions are dishonest, unstable, or both. Using an unobjectionable hashtag to cover their dishonesty is their attempt to infect people an ideology, not to inform them with truth. And it is working, as many have embraced the hashtag and ignore the real message, which is “Blacks (don’t believe their) Lives Matter (enough)”.

Consider crime and population data. Whites outnumber blacks nearly 6 to 1 in America. Nevertheless, in 2013:

    Blacks committed 2,698 single victim/offender murders, just 57 fewer than committed by all those white people,
    More homicide victims were black than white,
    • Blacks killed more than 90% of black murder victims, and
    • Blacks murdered more than twice as many whites as whites murdered blacks.

These data suggest that not only #BlackLivesMatter, but #AllLivesMatter…more to whites than blacks. If only the harm stopped with crimes…

A people who treats its next generation as optional or disposable is dying, willing neither to sacrifice nor prepare for the future; they seek today’s pleasure, and see tomorrow as without hope. Such was the Russian people’s outlook from 1991 to 2005, when they annually killed more children in the womb than they bore alive. America’s blacks display a similar outlook.

In 2010, black women, only 14% of U.S. females, accounted for 41% of America’s 1.15 million abortions, transferring more than 470,000 black children directly from the womb to the tomb. Black women have the highest abortion rates in America and, in some places, more black children die in the womb than emerge from it. Unfortunately, there is more…

Blacks have legitimate concerns about “Mass Incarceration”. The U.S. has the world’s highest incarceration rate, blacks were 36% of inmates in 2013, and some estimate 1 in 3 black men will go to prison in their lifetime.

However, concern over black “Mass Incarceration” ignores who actually puts blacks behind bars. Many fault a “racist judicial system”; this is mostly anecdotal griping, subject to rebuttal. The statistics on crime and victimization, taken together, do not support a racial bias. The data suggest, not that whites commit crimes for which blacks “take the fall”, not that “phantom crimes” result in blacks going to jail – but that black crime victims turn black criminal perpetrators over to the “racist” judicial system, in numbers that align with black-on-black crime. The resultant prosecutions, convictions, and incarcerations are (and should be) the normal consequences of blacks “dropping a dime” on those who harm them. Yet the complaints continue.

When people complain about what occurs – when it is what should occur – even though they make it occur…someone might question whether those are rational people.

And non-blacks are taking note. Not very long ago, a white man commented on his observations of black people:

    “I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids — and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch — they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.

    “And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do? They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”

Cliven Bundy is hardly anyone’s perfect sociologist, but if what is amiss with blacks is obvious enough that he can spot it, then it should be obvious enough for blacks to address.

Blacks…we…protest harm brought upon us, then challenge those who’ve done no harm…
Blacks…we…decry violence done to us by others, though we do more to others, and to ourselves…
Blacks…we…say our lives matter, but relentlessly murder ourselves, inside and outside the womb…
Blacks…we…complain about our incarcerated young men, even as we turn them over to their jailors…

and blacks…we…will suffer no one to speak truth to us, and are loathe to speak it to ourselves…

These are the actions of the mentally unstable, of the hopeless…and they should not be the actions of American black people. Therefore blacks…we…need an intervention, while there are still enough among us, and who care for us, that we might return to the senses we once had.

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The World of Black Man Thinkin’
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