Maybe He’s Just Not That Into Us. Maybe We’d Rather Not See It.

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Published on: August 17, 2012

It’s not hard to understand why the first black man on the ballot for President of the United States captured 95% of the black vote. One might have thought, after the 2008 election, that Obama loved the black community as much as they loved him. But after nearly four years, and what has happened during that time, I’m not quite sure about that. Consequently, I admit to confusion regarding the continued strength of black support for Barack Obama. Let me explain:


Vice President Joe “the Human Gaffe Machine” Biden, spoke to the NAACP National Convention on behalf a black president’s administration. O…K…? When announcing that he would pass on the event, Obama cited “scheduling” issues”. Hmm…

Stop me if you’ve heard this before, “Hey baby, I’d love to come and spend time with you and your family, but I got these ‘scheduling issues’….” Wasn’t that about the time you saw the relationship going downhill?

That’s not the only indication that more black love flows into the White House than flows from it. A quote from the hyperlinked article points to an uncomfortable truth: “… President Obama’s schedule would appear to reflect the power and importance of the Latino vote in this year’s election. The White House’s focus on Latino issues has been demonstrated over the last year and a half.”

So, in 2008, 19 of every 20 black votes cast went to Obama while he received only 2 out of every 3 latino votes. But when re-election time comes around in 2012, Obama spends more time courting…. who, again? Further, he sends his white proxy to talk to the old girlfriend, so to speak.

Do not misunderstand – Biden handled himself well before the NAACP crowd. Still, it’s a safe bet that the conferees wanted to hear from the black beneficiary of the NAACP’s century-long effort for racial equity in America – not the white guy in the second spot on the ticket.

Then I recalled what happened when Obama did speak to black folks:


Joe Biden sounded more compassionate toward black people than did Obama. Biden spoke with empathy and concern. Obama, however, talked about himself and lectured black folks to get with him and to stop complaining. Then he slapped the lectern and absorbed all the… applause? Really? Obama ignores blacks for an extended period, then finally drops by to tell them to stop complaining? And they applaud him? Wow.

Sounds like the woman who’s been ignored for so long that she’s happy to hear anything from her man, no matter what it is, so long as he shows up and says it to her. I was almost ready to conclude VP Biden liked black people more than the black president. Then he showed, again, why he’s Joe Biden:


He was with us in July, then we became “y’all back in chains” in August. Perhaps he believes only black folks would suffer if a Romney presidency goes bad. Perhaps he’d stand by and let Romney chain black people… or even help.

Of course, a larger question is why does a black president keep sending a white man to talk to black people? What black person voted for Joe Biden? Which blacks flocked to campaign events to see Biden?

I don’t believe blacks have endured higher unemployment than any other American demographic, apart from teenagers, over the last 3 years so that they could be comforted and then thrown under the bus by Joe Biden, while the “latin lover” holds the president’s attention. He attends more latino political events, puts more latino people in his administration, and even risks violating the Constitution making announcements intended to secure the affections of latinos.

Meanwhile, Obama makes announcements that leave black people nearly apoplectic. Seems that black pastors are still reacting to that one…and not well.

Nevertheless, the widely held view is that Obama will yet capture at least 90% of black votes.

Given the state of black unemployment, the disregard for traditional black social values, and the constant pandering to another ethnic group, it is hard for me to understand why black people would support Obama so strongly. It would seem that he’s just not that into us.

Apparently, I’m not the only black person who can’t figure out what’s going on with Obama:


You may want to watch that one again. Quite a few of the unemployed black people in Detroit, listening to Maxine Waters, seem more than a bit impatient. Maybe they’re not as “in love” as they once were. Perhaps they no longer believe the president is working hard for black America, or for its votes.

Of course, Obama did say he’s not the president of black America.

He also acknowledges that his administration has not done enough to help American business in general and black businesses in particular.

Then, perhaps it is time for 95% of the black vote to find another lover, one who will do more for us than other groups, and doesn’t scold us when economic pain creates impatience. Maybe he just not that into us. Maybe it’s time for a change.

Copyright 2012.

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